Sunday, April 14, 2013

Theme5: Camping trip to Taman Safari

Day 1

           At 10 April, me and my friends went to Taman Safari. It was so exciting when we started to walk to the school bus area because the buses will take us to the Taman Safari. Even our teacher is so excited to go there, because our teachers will also join this trip too. After we went in the bus, the bus take us to the Taman Safari. The bus trip was so noisy, because the 4A kids always sing together. After we arrived there, the tour guide tell us to go trekking around the zoo about 3km. Along the way there, I can hear some of my friends laughing, going angry, crying, and others. Then, we eat our lunch because we were so tired and hungry. After we eat our lunch, me and my friends rushes to the outbound. I waited half an hour because I'm the last one in the line. In the outbound I choose flying fox and water boom. Because those two are more fun than the other activities. In the water boom I got wet, because I swim and have fun in the water. After we left the outbound, we take a bath because we are all wet. We have free time from 1pm until 6pm. because in 6pm we went to the night trekking. In the night trekking, me, my friends and my teachers saw three clouded leopards. After the night trekking, we got dinner. Later, we have free time again for just a couple of minutes. Around half an hour after that, we got a camp fire. It was so warm there. Finally, around 9pm, we and my friends sleep in the tent.

Day 2
        The next day we have an early breakfast. Then our teacher asked us to exercise before we take a bath. We jog until we arrive in the outbound area again. In there we do stretching. After that, me and my friends went back to the tent. Then we take a bath because we are going trekking again for about 1km to the snake area. I saw so many big snakes and wild snakes. Some of them are even sleeping. After we went out the snake area we went straight to the dolphin show. The dolphins' names are Marcel, Naruto and Justin. The dolphins are very fast swimmer; and they are also a high jumper. After the show is over me and my friends went to the cowboy show. I was dangerous to go near the show because it uses things that can get burned. They also have real guns. My teachers are even confused which one is the bad guy and the good guy. After the show, around 11pm or 12pm, we had lunch. The, we are asked to carry our own suitcases to the caravan. In the caravan there is a TV, so we watch cartoon there. We can watch TV because it was free time. Some of my friends swim in the swimming pool. But I don't swim because the swimming pool is too cold for me. At 7pm we got dinner. After we got dinner we got free time until 9pm. During the free time,  I watch TV until 9pm. Around 9pm or 10pm I went to bed because my teacher asked me to sleep.

Day 3

      On the last day, we tidy our stuffs in to the suit case. But first, the teachers ask to swim if you wanted to and  they also asked us to eat our breakfast. Then, we take a bath in our caravan. After we done with those things, we prepared our suitcase and our stuffs and bring them to the restaurant. We are also asked to lock the keys of the suitcase. Then we had free time for another one hour. After one hour, the big bus had arrived to take me and my friends back to our school.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Theme 2

In theme 2 I learn about a mindmap about I am Unique. In my biography, I have a hobby is drawing and playing piano. I also have an idol name Soekarno. My types of streangth to help other is to make people's dream come true. My streanght is to make a comic. My type of intelegents is self smart. My types of project is language arts. My intelegents is self smart.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Theme 1

On theme 1 in Grade 4B the first project that I made is making a video about Logo. Me and my partner Xavier insert so many logos in the video. I insert the logos and my partner Xavier insert the song of the video. So we work together in the video.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Deserts are dry areas that experience extremely small amounts rainfall. One of the biggest misconceptions about deserts is that they are all hot. The amount of rainfall, not temperature, determines whether or not an area is a desert. Deserts typically receive less than 30 cm of rain per year.
Deserts can be either hot or cold. Some of the cold deserts even experience occasional snowfall. Deserts are found in such locations as centIral Australia, north Africa, central Asia, and even Antarctica 

In this report you will learn about Hot and Dry Deserts and Cold Deserts. I hope you enjoy!
A Hot and Dry Desert is, as you can tell from the name, hot and dry. Most Hot and Dry Deserts don't have very many plants. They do have some low down plants though. The only animals they have that can survive have the ability to burrow under ground. This is because they would not be able to live in the hot sun and heat. They only come out in the night when it is a little cooler.
A cold desert is a desert that has snow in the winter instead of just dropping a few degrees in temperature like they would in a Hot and Dry Desert. It never gets warm enough for plants to grow. Just maybe a few grasses and mosses. The animals in Cold Deserts also have to burrow but in this case to keep warm, not cool. That is why you might find some of the same animals here as you would in the Hot and Dry Deserts.
Deserts cover about one fifth of the Earth's land surface. Most Hot and Dry Deserts are near the Tropic of Cancer or the Tropic of Capricorn. Cold Deserts are near the Arctic part of the world.
Hot and Dry Deserts temperature ranges from 20 to 25° C. The extreme maximum temperature for Hot Desert ranges from 43.5 to 49° C. Cold Deserts temperature in winter ranges from -2 to 4° C and in the summer 21 to 26° C a year

Animals in the desert:

>  road runner
> Ostrich
>  Meerkal
> Camel
> Snakes
> cobra
> coyotes
>Texas Horned
> Lizards
>  insects
> Eagle
> And much more

Types of plants
- Wild Flowers
- cactus
- old cactus
- succulents
- Barrel cactus
